Harvest Ariake Indonesia Achieves Certification on Good Ways to Make Fish Medicine (CPOIB)

Harvest Ariake Indonesia Achieves Certification on Good Ways to Make Fish Medicine (CPOIB)

PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia has succeeded in obtaining a certificate for Good Methods for Making Fish Medicine (CPOIB) from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (KKP RI). This certification is a step for the company to produce fish medicine that meets the requirements for quality assurance, safety, and efficacy.

Before the issuance of the certificate by the Director General of KKP RI, field audit activities were carried out on 19-20 September 2023 at PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia to directly observe important aspects of the fish medicine production process, such as quality management, personnel, buildings, facilities, equipment, sanitation, hygiene, production, self-inspection and other aspects that influence the quality of the fish medicine produced. Field audits are carried out by appointed and certified auditors. By achieving the CPOIB certificate, the company guarantees and ensures that the entire production process complies with the established requirements and regulations.

The achievement of CPOIB certification by PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia not only has an impact on the company itself but also makes a positive contribution to the national fishing industry. This step brings great hope to the Indonesian fishing industry, marking the success of a company that is not only oriented towards the growth of its own business but also towards the health and sustainability of the national fisheries ecosystem. PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia will continue to strive to develop and innovate to provide benefits to the economy, environment, and surrounding communities.

Author : Pradya afit tri kasih

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