Corporate Social Responsibility at UPTD Puskesmas Sukajadi

On Tuesday, February 13 2024 PT. Harvest Ariake Indonesia successfully held Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the theme “DHF Prevention Socialization” at the Sukajadi Community Health Center UPTD, Bandung. This CSR was held as a form of commitment and concern from the company to the surrounding community in preventing the spread of dengue fever caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Bandung is the venue for our CSR, this is because there are still high cases of dengue fever in the Bandung area, based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, it was recorded that in 2023 the highest case of dengue fever in Indonesia was the city of Bandung.

Giving gifts to participants who attended the CSR event at UPTD Puskesmas Sukajadi

Also read : Harvest Ariake Indonesia Receives Certification on Good Methods for Making Fish Medicine (CPOIB)

In its implementation, this activity was able to run smoothly due to the extraordinary cooperation and welcome from the Sukajadi Community Health Center UPTD. It is hoped that this CSR can increase awareness among the public to prevent the spread of dengue fever by implementing programs that have been socialized.

Author : Jery Prastiyo

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